• +420 519 352 761-3
  • Mikulovská 362,
    Valtice, Czech Republic
Thank you for your trust! The project in Uzbekistan was successfully completed

We have just completed the installation of a modern KMD air conditioned post-ripening and drying unit for up to 60 trolleys with an airflow system DAF2 for our customer in Uzbekistan.

MAUTING  realized the installation of a smoking chamber in Canada

We are proud to say that our MAUTING smoking chamber will become the professional partner for Windmill Meats handmade sausage production.

We celebrate 30 years of our existence this year!

With pleasure we would like to inform you that we celebrate 30 years of our work this year! Thanks to extensive experience gained within those years we become the world-wide demanded supplier of meat-processing machines and technologies. The key to our success stands in trust of our customers, diligence of our employees and continuous development of our products and solutions.